Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Psychotherapeutic-Blogging: The Ten Things That Would Make You Want to Punch Me In The Face If You Knew Me

The irrefutable, undeniably terrible ten trait-like tendencies that I need to squash before I'm thirty:

A/D: But since I acknowledge and recognize them as issues that I currently have and need to work on, by all psychological definitions I am ten steps into recovery and thereby have no lamentable problems to speak of.

A/D II: Psychology can often disprove most of your negative behavior that (to the outside world) are just shitty habits acquired by poor upbringing, lack of common sense, living in a developed country, having the social etiquette of a dish towel, or general ass-hattery by redefining them as "psychological handicaps" for which you cannot be accountable for. 

A/D III: That being said, the following list is therefore null and void when taking into account my mental instability as a result of a fucked up childhood where I had been forced to go into a strict, miltary-esque detention centre known for being a creativity-stifling; knowledge diffusing dungeon of brewing hormonal tension; and a breeding ground for awkwardness, abject humiliation and the torturing of souls.  

A/D IV: If you haven't heard of secondary education I reserve the right to boot you off my island.

A/D V: Yes, my island.

1. Babbling, rambling, and inserting of fabricated bullshit to support one's own beliefs. But all with one's own knowledge which puts her on a completely different logic/rationale playing field than religious zealots like L. (stands for Lame Ass) Ron Hubbard (Scientology nutjob) or Warren Jeffs (who did his bit to ensure that he would get his spot in the celestial kingdom with his 50 wives by being a restrictive, power-trippy, pedophile. Yep Jeffs, good luck with that shit). 

2. Guiltless procrastinator and resident underachiever.

3. Constructing of metaphorical bulwarks to avoid reaching the common social 'checkpoints' critical for healthy human interaction.

A/D: Or my excuse to use 'bulwarks' in my blog post.

3.1. But I do actually have them. See: 1 Day Rule.

4. My fear of the male population.

4.1. Using liqueur as a means of communication with men.

5. The 1 Day Rule - Having no further relationship with men extending a 24 hour period.

5.1. Of course, one must be aware of the benefits of this arrangement. There is no splitting of bank accounts, fighting, adultery, toilet seat debacles, over-sharing, under appreciating, or any other unpleasant accompaniments of relationships that evolve from sharing the space and company of someone else for an extended period of time.

5.1.5. See #4

5.2. My attitude towards relationships should technically be its own category. Especially when my own diagnosis resulted in a spectacularly dumb solution - refer to 4.1
6. Belief that I am right 99.8% 90% 85% of the time. Which is apparently a symptom of antisocial personality disorder categorized by inflexibility, justifications, and cognitive distortions as well as "self-perpetuated behavior" including the belief that one's choices are invariably right and good and that other's views are irrelevant.  Meaning I'd rather chew on my own liver than let you be right.

7. Using avoidance and hermatism as a means of coping with stress and dealing with unsolved problems. Or #4.

8. Indecision. Or, the putting off of decision making to avoid having to come to a specific conclusion or to delay having to make choices relevant to my life. Of course this both encompasses and extends beyond the picking of ice cream flavours, choosing daily outfits, weighing one's dinner options, and picking university courses that could determine whether you spend your life picking the seeds out of grapes or being a genuine wine ponce (connoisseur).

9. My occasional dust-up with substances. Or, that time that I blacked out and fell down the stairs. More on this fascinating development never.

10. My ongoing physical and verbal abuse of Time. I am never on it, with it, or in front of it. I mostly like to pretend it doesn't exist and give it a good slapping every so often. Prison and time have their hands down each other's pants and so it is a stipulation of my self-preservation that I avoid both. Time is the shackle that keeps me from fulfilling my true potential and also puts me in the position of becoming ostensibly more psychotic in order to explain my preoccupation with hating it.

Let's just say, like this blog, it makes more sense in my head.

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